Cash, Check and Coin Processing for Grocers
Boost profits and increase efficiencies
Cash, Check and Coin Processing for Grocers
Boost profits and increase efficiencies
Grocery retailing is not easy. You have to adapt to changes in consumer behaviors and expectations, online competitors luring away once-loyal shoppers and economic uncertainty that threatens already razor-thin margins. Smart grocers are seeking new ways to attract and retain shoppers while streamlining processes on and off the floor. In an industry with so many challenges, we can help with front-of-store revenue generators to cash-office money processing.
Shoppers want a better experience; you want to make more profit. A better coin counting solution does both. That’s because not all coin machines are created equal. We offer a very compelling coin-redemption alternative one where grocers can earn up to 7% more revenue compared to the competition.
Process your cash room faster. Our automated cash drawer processing solutions let you count down and balance cash drawers, rebuild float amounts and set up tills in less than two minutes. Reduce errors and keep your managers on the floor. You can even eliminate rolled coin costs by recycling change from your self-service coin machines.
Money Machine 2 is a self-service coin counting machine which is fast, highly accurate, easy to use and best of all...affordably priced.
Checks and currency handling were traditionally managed as separate functions requiring different personnel, separate work areas and a lot of time. The JetScan iFX consolidates these functions, eliminating deposit processing steps, cutting costs and streamlining operations.
Significantly reduce the time spent balancing drawers and keep more people out on the floor assisting customers. Automated cash drawer processing systems dramatically improve cash till processing and deposit drop times. Count down and balance cash drawers, rebuild float amounts, set up tills and print reconciliation receipts. Process deposits with greater efficiency and security.
Ideal for small businesses, the JetSort 1000 is a compact coin sorter and coin counter capable of processing up to 2,200 coins per minute.
Self-Service Coin Counter for Grocery eBook - Why Top Grocers Choose Cummins Allison eBook - Grocers Handle Cash Better to Reduce Costs eBook: Make Your Coin Redemption Service More Profitable Cash and Coin Processing for GrocersCase Studies
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