Casino Industry Solutions
Revolutionize cash operations on your properties
Casino Industry Solutions
Revolutionize cash operations on your properties
Get 30% more throughput in your soft count room with an affordable high-volume currency and ticket sorter with high productivity and the lowest total cost of ownership with the JetScan MPX 8200 multi-pocket ticket and currency sorter.
Advanced design and innovative thinking result in a multi-pocket cash and ticket sorter with 30% more throughput and a lower total cost of ownership. Higher productivity. Higher value. Done the way only Cummins Allison could.
Significantly smaller, 39% faster and more flexible than any other multi-pocket ticket barcode scanner and currency sorter, the JetScan iFX® i400 can have as few as 3 to as many as 17 pockets – all in a smaller footprint. Scan, count and sort mixed cash and casino tickets at 1,000 documents per minute.
The both series offer mixed-cash-and-ticket processing, continuous batch processing, and interfacing to a multitude of slot tracking applications.
Cummins Allison solves the challenges of tracking and reporting cash positions and flow with a unique solution: Cash Logistics Manager (CLM). It’s a highly customizable and affordable software solution that connects to your existing Cummins Allison machines. The solution records processing data and reports on the flow of cash on your property in real-time. Get current cash positions for each connected location and forecast future cash needs with productive and actionable information.
CLM also lets you to track cash transfers to and from each location and lets employees digitally sign transfers, which reduces errors, improves efficiency, and increases profitability.
Get a free demo to see how you can track and forecast cash needs and poisitons better on your property.
Employee safes are excellent tools for increasing efficiency and profits by automating the task of receiving and issuing employee banks. Solutions like the SC7500 reduce counting errors, cut employee vault labor, and provide real-time data of transactions and holdings. Let the SC7500 give you peace of mind and help you focus on other areas of your property.
The SC7500 lets employees receive their bank at the beginning of their shift. At the end of their shift, an employee can depost their whole amount, including cash, coin, tickets, and other non-cash items. This significantly reduces labor and errors.
Advanced design and innovative thinking result in a multi-pocket cash and ticket sorter with 30% more throughput and a lower total cost of ownership. Higher productivity. Higher value. Done the way only Cummins Allison could.
Significantly smaller, 39% faster and more flexible than any other multi-pocket ticket barcode scanner and currency sorter, the JetScan iFX® i400 can have as few as 3 to as many as 17 pockets – all in a smaller footprint. Scan, count and sort mixed cash and casino tickets at 1,000 documents per minute.
Keeping up with increasing casino ticket and currency volume from ticket in, ticket out (TITO) machines is challenging, and you need solutions that are up to the task. The JetScan iFX scanner is the only device that can efficiently handle tickets, cash and checks on the same device, improving efficiency and productivity.
Accounting for and tracking cash is challenging — especially when you manage multiple locations that accept assorted bills, coins, checks and credit cards daily. Cummins Allison solves this challenge with a unique solution: Cash Logistics Manager. It’s a highly customizable, software-based solution that can cut your processing time in half — all at a very affordable rate.