Resource Library

White Papers

Report: Payments and Public Health

This special article, Payments and Public Health: Where Do We Go from Here?, gives insight into the facts about cash, what perceptions are, and how retailers can continue to accept cash easily and safely.

Product/Program: Paypod Embedded

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Evaluating Coin Counters

When evaluating self-service coin counting solutions, as well as the providers, be sure to ask yourself these 5 questions.

Product/Program: Coin Programs

Report: Cash and coin still prevalent

Despite consumer interest in and adoption of alternative payment methods, the most traditional form of payment, cash and coin, remains a mainstay of the U.S. purchasing economy.

Product/Program: JetSort 6000

Brief: Inefficient Cash Handling is Costing you Money

Often, retailers think about big ways to cut costs—cutting labor hours, for instance. But they should also take a look at their operational costs to find new cost-cutting opportunities to increase efficiencies and reduce costs.

Product/Program: JetScan iFX i100, i200

Report: Process ATMs: Sorters, Not Recyclers

The answer to processing ATMs and commercial deposits at the branch is multi-pocket sorters, not recyclers. Reduce ATM processing time 89 percent.

Product/Program: JetScan iFX i400

Industry Study: The Changing Face of the ATM Market

Survey reveals better service and security are top priorities for ATM channel. More than 390 banks and credit unions responded.

Product/Program: Lobby Cash Dispense

eBook: Safeguarding your ATMs with Endpoint Security

This eBook explains the endpoint security techniques used on Cummins Allison ATMs to minimize the ATM attacks by cybercrimminals.

Product/Program: Endpoint Security

eBook: A Branch Transformation Survival Guide

4 fixes to streamline processes and increase efficiency in your branches.

Product/Program: Anti-Skim Protection

Insight Brief: Windows 10 and your ATMs

Running an unsupported ATM operating system is risky business. Read the brief to learn more about preparing your ATMs for Windows 10.

Product/Program: Small footprint ATMs

Insight Brief: Six Reasons to Brand your ATMs

Discover six reasons branding your ATMs reinforces your financial institutions message and services, boosts loyalty and generates new opportunities with every interaction.

Product/Program: Lobby Cash Dispense